STEMörgåsbord - 2022-23 Elective

Welcome to the STEMörgåsbord STEM elective class for the 2022-23 school year!  The class will be taught by Tim Slagle, parent of a (former) Lowell middle school student.  This term we will do hands-on projects: soldering a Bluetooth/MP3 speaker kit, building robot companions, and artistic programming.

Class will be held in the Parkside middle school building, in the FabLab next to the science room.

I will post each week's instructions and class material on this website ( so you can refer to it at home in case you miss a class or get behind in your project design.  I will also collect useful links on a Resources page.  Everything in class will be done using your Lowell Chromebooks, so please bring them to each class!

Term 3 Project: Building and Programming a Robot Companion

Term 2 Project: Building and Programming a Robot Companion

Term 1 Project: Building a Bluetooth/MP3 Music Player: